Hi, I’m Alice. If you are reading this then I must have made it back!
Hi Everybody., It’s Alice Manonamin,
Okay, here’s a update about what I’ve been doing . So, basically, Ever since my mom and dad decided we had to move from Philadelphia, Pa. to our new home in Virginia City, Nevada in 2020, I’ve been traveling through time with my friends. I know it sounds bizarre, but it’s true! At first I didn’t even want to move. Then, all along the way to our new home, well actually t’s an old hotel, things started to change. I began noticing magic everywhere around that hotel! Especially after my dad hung up the sign on the front porch. It says, “The Time Traveler Hotel”. It was the original name of the hotel back in the 1800’s. My parents love keeping things authentic! However, they don’t know the half of it! When you read my journal, you will understand exactly what i’m talking about.
Since I have been “time traveling “, I have met so many interesting kids and I’ve learned so much! If you want to hear all about my adventures, click on the button below to buy my journal. Everything is written in there. You can also become a time traveler by joining the Time Travelers Club ! We always welcome new members. if you are a kid under 18, (first ask your legal guardian and if they say it’s ok, then go for it!) the Time Travelers Kid’s Club offers you secret codes to buy my journal and magical Time Travelers merch at a discount!
If you are 18 or older, and still magical, you can join the Time Traveler Club for big people! ( I thought I should be fair! )You can also receive the discount codes.
So, that’s about all for now! Scroll down to read an excerpt from my journal. I hope to see you soon!
Sayanara, Adieu, Adios, auf Wiedersehen, Ciao ,Farewell, hasta la Vista, Namaste! - Alice
It all begins with a dream
Please enjoy this excerpt from my diary. -Alice
“We would like to buy three tickets.”, I said.
“Where would you like to go?
Our train can take you anywhere in the world. Is this ticket for backwards, forwards, straight away or upside down?”, the ticket lady said matter of factly. She was dressed in a striped shirt and skirt with a fine hat resting sideways upon her head.
“Backwards.”, Jasper said, clearing his throat.
“Okay, and where to, young man?”,the ticket lady asked.
“To Fenghuang Ancient Town, China, please.“, He said, much to our surprise.
“Okay, very good. Do you know your stop, young man, or will any do?”, she asked.
“Yes mam, I do. Phoenix Ancient City stop number two.”, Jasper replied.
“Very good sir. And what time? Please be exact.”, the ticket lady asked.
“12 o’clock noon, May 24, 1864.”, Jasper said with a smile.
“What the?”, Shaylin whispered in my ear.
“Will you be needing return tickets?”, the lady asked.
“You better buy them here. We are advising all passengers to buy return tickets here if their destinations are pre-1920.”, she smiled.
“Sure, we will take three return tickets.”, I piped up. I really didn’t want to get stuck in rural China in 1864 indefinitely!
“Okay, here are your tickets. Have a nice trip.”, she said, handing us our tickets.
“The train will be arriving at platform 12 in, oh my, 2 minutes. you better had quickly line up over there. “, the ticket lady said, pointing her finger across the room.
Jasper saw me looking at the tickets. They were only blank pieces of paper.
“Um, excuse me, I think you made a mistake.”, I said to the ticket lady.
“No, Alice, I’ll explain.”, Jasper said, whisking me away from the ticket booth.
“Don’t worry, Alice. The tickets are correct. As soon as we board the train, you will see what I mean.”, Jasper said quietly.
“All aboard. Train arriving on Platform 12; making stops at Phoenix Arizona; Phoenix, British Columbia; Phoenix Park, Ireland; Phoenix Islands, Kiribati; Phoenix ,South Africa; Vacuous-Phoenix, Mauritius, and Phoenix Ancient City China.”, the conductor said catching his breath as we boarded the train.
“You did bring your “LM”, correct?”, he whispered.
People were crowding and pushing onto the train.
Strangely the station was empty a moment before.
“What’s an L.M.?”, Shalyn yelled back to me as we were stepping off of the platform.
The locomotive engine was loud with steam rising upward in poofs.
“It’s a Lorgnette Monacle. I’ll tell you about it when we get onto the train.”, I yelled to her as we stepped onto the train.
‘Shhhhh. Don’t say that so loudly! You don’t want any of the “you know who’s” to hear that. They will be after us in a minute if they think you have one.”, Jasper whispered, grabbing onto my arm.
“Come this way, we can sit over here.”, Jasper said, looking around suspiciously.
The train whistle blew.
The seats were covered in the strangest fabric. It felt soft like velvet, but it seemed to have a mind of it’s own! Somehow, It knew exactly what I wanted. At first I felt a little hot from all of the shoving onto the train, and the seat became cool. Then I started to feel too cold and the seat turned warm.
“Jasper, is there something strange about the seats on this train?”, I asked.
“Oh yes, there are so many things I have to tell you.
First of all, the entire train is mind interactive. That means you control the temperature, music, food selection, and everything by just thinking of it.”, Jasper said excitedly.
“Woah., no way.”, said Shaylin. She looked dazed.
I did understand, she only got here yesterday, and maybe all of this was too much for her too soon!
At least I have had a few months to understand everything, I thought.
“Secondly, about the “L M’s”. They are powerfully and dangerously secret.”, said Jasper in a hushed voice.
I went to pull mine out from behind my jacket. The chain on which it was hanging got stuck inside of my shirt.
“No, don’t. “, Jasper said placing his hand on mine.
“ Now I must tell you why. It’s the …”
“Tickets, Tickets!”, the conductor said ,reaching out for our tickets.

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About Marjorie
It all begins with an idea.
Author Marjorie S.O’Rourke